A new addiction for my TV-Show obsessed heart

Hello Guys (:

Yes I am still alive..I know I didn’t quite stick up to my promise that I would post more frequently again and I am sorry. But o you know that feeling when you just don’t know what you should write about? I´m having that right now!

But today is different because I spent the last three days watching a series that I discovered and I just had to finish the first season. And now I want to tell you about it.

I am sure many of you know this series already because the first season got out in 2011. I am talking about:

Do you know that feeling when you want to watch a tv-show but you don’t know which one? I have that quite often because all my favorite shows are on brake now or I finished them already. So I scrolled through netflix to see if something appeals to me. And then I saw Once upon a time and though hey I started this show a while back..maybe I just give it another try!

And I did that.

When I watched the pilot for this show at least a year ago I wasn’t quite convinced. But now…as I am finished with the whole first season..I like it. Very. Very. Much!
I mean whats not to like? The show is about fairytale characters cursed to be in our world. Hello?! Awesome 😀

I love that the show is divided into two worlds and that we get to see the events of both of them! That can sometimes get a bit confusing because the events in fairytale-land are not always chronological, but thats ok..you geht used to it 😉

I really love the concept of the show and I think they did a pretty good job converting it. It would have been too unrealistic if Emma had believed Henry in a matter of episodes.

What I didn’t quite like about the show was that almost every episode has its own story. That was on the one hand really good, because we learned about the different stories of all the different fairytales, but for me it dims a bit the suspense of the show. I like it when every episodes ends with a little cliffhanger. But this is not right with the whole season. There is also a main-plot of course..so that rounds it all up again.

I also missed the love story a bit. I mean there was a hint for one..but that didn’t develop in any direction. I really need a romantic part with everything. With books and tv-shows especially. But that is just a minor problem because I know that in the next seasons that will change! And I hope its a good love story, with much drama…and love…you know what I mean? (;

So now to the characters.

Source: tvline.com

I have to say Emma is not my favorite character so far. I mean she is kind of kick-ass and all that..but there is something about her, that I can not name, that I don’t like. But she is ok and there are definitely good chances for development!
She is a realistic character which I bet many love and can identify with her. The funniest thing about her where I always had to laugh a bit was when she became sheriff and all of a sudden she is a pro at it. Where did she learn to be a sheriff? xD

Source: fanpop.com

Regina is obviously the villain in this season. And she is good..I mean evil..but she plays it good. I hate her sometimes and want to punch her in the face..but that is how a good villain should make you feel (;
I get her story and i get why she is so mean and evil and hates Snow so much. But what I don’t get is why she loves Henry so much. She is evil and one might think that a person as evil as her doesn’t care about a little boy. But then again..every evil has its weakness…

The rest of the main characters are all pretty cool and I like them. Henry is a sweet kid and I am excited to see what he is up to in the next season.
Snow and Charming are also very likable and the first season was about their story and how they found each other again and again! I think that Ginnifer Goodwin is perfect as Snow White! And she is so beautiful!

I am really happy that I gave this show another try and I came to like it very very much. I needed a few episodes to get into it, but once that was done I couldn’t stop watching! And now I am going to start with season two!

Have you seen Once upon a time? Who is your favorite character? Or least favorite? Tell me!


Source: persephonemagazine.com

7 thoughts on “A new addiction for my TV-Show obsessed heart

  1. I love Regina and Hook. Odd two I know, something about their motivation gets me. Heads up if you want to click my blog avoid my first post it’s about season 5 of this. Otherwise feel free to look around my site 🙂


    1. I came across hook already, but I don’t know if I like him yet. He has something that wants me to like him xD and Regina is a bit controversial..she is the villain, but she has her good moments 😉 but she is a brilliant villain!


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